The beautiful is useful
Goolugatup Heathcote Gallery
4 November 2023 - 14 January 2024
The beautiful is useful brings together new artworks by Lisa Liebetrau and Shannon Lyons to investigate the history of the Point Heathcote Reception Home. Through their site-responsive practices, Liebetrau and Lyons explore Heathcote’s progressive approach to the treatment of mental illness and the lived experiences of its nurses and patients. The artists have investigated the institutional history of Heathcote by delving into the rich archive of objects, images and oral histories held in the City of Melville’s Heathcote Collection. By immersing themselves in the collection and responding to the built environment of the site, Liebetrau and Lyons pay homage to the caregiving environment that existed at the hospital.
This exhibition is presented as part of Tilt, an annual site-responsive commission presented by Goolugatup Heathcote and the City of Melville. This project has been assisted by the Australian Government through Creative Australia, its principal arts investment and advisory body.